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Contributing to Mbin

We always welcome new supporters and contributors. A quick list below of possible ways to contribute to Mbin.

Way of Working

Comply with our version of Collective Code Construction Contract (C4) specification. Read this document to understand how we work together and how the development process works at Mbin.

Below some general non-technical agreements and guidelines:

  • Respect for Others: Treat everyone involved in the project with respect, regardless of their role or level of expertise. Value their opinions and contributions.
  • Effective Communication: Encourage clear, concise, and respectful communication among team members. Listen actively and considerately to others' perspectives.
  • Constructive Feedback: Provide feedback in a constructive manner, focusing on the improvement of the work rather than criticizing individuals.
  • Professional Language: Refrain from using offensive language, including swearing, derogatory remarks, or discriminatory language.
  • Positive Environment: Foster a positive and inclusive work environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns.
  • Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts or disagreements promptly and professionally. Encourage open dialogue and find mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Team Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and teamwork, recognizing that everyone brings unique skills and perspectives to the project.
  • Accountability: Take responsibility for your actions and commitments. Honor agreements, and communicate openly if there are any challenges or issues.
  • Appreciation and Recognition: Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and achievements of team members. Recognize their contributions publicly and privately.
  • Embrace Fun and Camaraderie: Encourage team members to engage in light-hearted conversations, share jokes, and enjoy each other's company. Take breaks to socialize and build relationships beyond the scope of the project.


The code is mainly written in PHP using the Symfony framework with Twig templating and a bit of JavaScript & CSS.

With an account on GitHub you will be able to fork this repository and git clone the repository locally if you wish.

[!Note] If you are a Maintainer with GitHub org admin rights, you do NOT need to fork the project, instead you are allowed to use git branches. See also C4.

Coding Style Guide

We use php-cs-fixer to automatically fix code style issues according to Symfony coding standard. It is based on the PHP-FIG coding standards.

Install PHP-CS-Fixer first: composer -d tools install

Then run the following command trying to auto-fix the issues: ./tools/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix

For JavaScript code inside the assets/ directory, we use ESLint for linting and potentially fix the code style issues.

Install eslint and its required plugins by: npm install.

Run the following command to perform linting: npm run lint, or you could use eslint directly by npx eslint if needed.

Run the following command to attempt auto-fix linting issues: npm run lint-fix, or npx eslint --fix ..
Note that unlike PHP-CS-Fixer, not all linting problems could be automatically fixed, some of these would requires manually fixing them as appropiate, be sure to do those.


When fixing a bug or implementing a new feature or improvement, we expect that test code will also be included with every delivery of production code.

There are three levels of tests that we distinguish between:

  • Unit Tests: test a specific unit (SUT), mock external functions/classes/database calls, etc. Unit-tests are fast, isolated and repeatable
  • Integration Tests: test larger part of the code, combining multiple units together (classes, services or alike).
  • Application Tests: test high-level functionality, APIs or web calls.

For more info read: Symfony Testing guide.

Unit Tests

  • First increase execution time in your PHP config file: /etc/php/8.2/fpm/php.ini:
max_execution_time = 120
  • Increase/set max_nesting_level in /etc/php/8.2/fpm/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini:
  • Restart the PHP-FPM service: sudo systemctl restart php8.2-fpm.service
  • Copy the dot env file: cp .env.example .env
  • Install composer packages: composer install --no-scripts

Running the unit tests by executing:

SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=disabled ./bin/phpunit tests/Unit


You might want to load random data to database instead of manually adding magazines, users, posts, comments etc. To do so, execute: php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append --no-debug You should stop the messenger processes, as they are not able to access the data while it is being created, but try to do so.

  • Docker: docker compose stop messenger
  • Bare Metal: supervisorctl stop messenger:*

If you want to do the same but with the Docker setup, execute: docker compose exec php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append --no-debug (from the docker directory)

Please note, that the command may take some time and data will not be visible during the process, but only after the finish.

  • Omit --append flag to override data currently stored in the database
  • Customize inserted data by editing files inside src/DataFixtures directory


Translations are done in Weblate.


Documentation is stored at in the docs folder within git. Create a new pull request with changes to the documentation files.


We have a very active Matrix community. Feel free to join our community, ask questions, share your ideas or help others!

Reporting Issues

If you observe an error or any other issue, create an new issue in GitHub. A couple notes about this:

  • Please try to verify that your issue is not already present before you create a new issue. You can search on existing open issues.
  • We actually prefer you to not include [Feature Request] or [Bug Report] or similar tags in the title. Instead, we'll add the labels for you.
  • If you're reporting an issue that happened while you're on a specific instance, please include the URL.
  • If the issue is related to design/UI, please also include screenshots.
  • If you're the server admin and have access to logging, please also include logs when relevant.

Reporting Security Vulnerability

Contact Melroy ( or any other community member you trust via Matrix, using an encrypted room.

I Have a Question

If you still feel the need for asking a question, we recommend joining our community on Matrix where you can ask your questions to our community members.