Mbin first setup
If you are running docker, then you have to be in the docker
folder and prefix the following commands with
docker compose exec php
Create new admin user (without email verification), please change the username
, email
and password
php bin/console mbin:user:create <username> <email@example.com> <password>
php bin/console mbin:user:admin <username>
php bin/console mbin:ap:keys:update
Next, log in and create a magazine named random
to which unclassified content from the fediverse will flow.
Creating a random
magazine is a requirement to getting microblog posts that don't fall under an existing magazine.
Manual user activation
Activate a user account (bypassing email verification), please change the username
php bin/console mbin:user:verify <username> -a
If you are not going to use Mercure, you have to disable it in the admin panel.
NPM (bare metal only)
cd /var/www/mbin
npm install # Installs all NPM dependencies
npm run build # Builds frontend
Make sure you have substituted all the passwords and configured the basic services.
Push Notification setup
The push notification system needs encryption keys to work. They have to be generated only once, by running
php bin/console mbin:push:keys:update